
Feb 14, 2021

I wasn't always as I am

Hello friend,

The month of February is passing by me quickly and it seems that my attention is not able to keep up. I’ve not written much of anything, but instead I’m finding my own thoughts and curiosities reflected in the writings of others. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to read what other minds have come up with, to learn from them, and see how they complement and challenge my own experiences.

This week I read a beautiful poem, freshly written this year, by Robert William Sullivan. I read it after returning from my annual Big Bend camping trip with Sierra, and it resonated with me so much, especially after spending time amongst the incredible variety of landforms and nature of the Chisos Mountains and surrounding areas. I want to share this poem with you because it continues to inspire me each time I read it.

Wishing you a peaceful week,



I found a rock upon the shore

I held it in my hand

I wish I knew its story

Just how it first began

Something tingled in my ear

I heard a tiny voice

“I wasn’t always as I am,”

“You see I had no choice”

“I once was mighty mountain”

“Until volcano came”

“And from the depths of Earth itself”

“Propelled I was proclaimed”

“Before that though a planet not”

“But rather more a star”

“Flying through the universe”

“Adrift from oh so far”

“And billions years beyond that”

“I was but merely light”

“Traveling from beginning”

“An energy, formless, bright”

“And now I sit within your grasp”

“Until you put me down”

“And slowly I will turn to sand”

“Then dust upon the ground”

I placed the rock back on the shore

And slowly walked away

To ponder what I had been told

Gazing ‘cross the bay

And from the distance I could hear

Its tiny voice did ask

“I wish I knew your story”

“I wish I knew your past”

~ Robert William Sullivan 2021