
Feb 21, 2020

Dedicating Time

Updated: Mar 3, 2020

Hi Friends!

I’m writing to you from San Antonio, where I’m going to be based for a few months. While here, I’ll be working on projects with the help of some of you keeping me accountable!


I'm jumping right back into writing. A novel. Writing stories and reading poetry was such a big part of my childhood. Shouts out to Shel Silverstein! It’s a creative outlet that I'm excited to explore again.


I’m also going to return to my yoga practice with the 30-day yoga journey that Adriene created for 2020. I invite you to join! You can do it any amount of time, with any amount of previous experience. Even better if you team up with a buddy and keep each other accountable. Adriene is a leader in at-home yoga practice. She has been an important part of my practice for many years. I’m looking forward to reconnecting with her in the comfort of my home. Thank you, internet!


Speaking of the internet… As many of you know, I’ve been working remotely since I began traveling. Nearly a year later, I’m still teaching children in China through VIPKid. The Coronavirus has extended the winter holiday for most students in China, so I’ve been spending my evenings working with them. It’s given me an interesting perspective on the issue. Beyond the virus, it’s been amazing just to be a part of these kids’ homes. Every day they open up their world to me. I meet their families, learn about their lives and their interests, and I get to help them continue building their skills in English. They are very inspiring!

For years I’ve wanted to become fluent in Spanish, and while my 70+ day streak on Duolingo is a personal best, I am still so intimidated to speak another language. The students I teach try very hard and even those that are a little shy or embarrassed to make mistakes are able to sit in front of a camera and talk to complete strangers in a foreign language! I want to show up the way they do, with enthusiasm and playfulness, and be brave enough to speak Spanish with native speakers.


My sister and I have decided that Thursday is Art Day, so every week we try to spend even just a few minutes on something that requires our hands and imagination. Today I'll be working on a little present for some friends that recently shared happy news with me.

So there are the things I’m working towards in the coming months. What are you dedicating time to these days?

¡Hasta luego!
